Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints

Good day to our fellow readers! We’re back for yet another blog post on canvas photo printing! Today we’ll be sharing more about displaying your beautiful canvas wall prints. 

A question that we often receive from you guys is, can you display canvas wall photo prints alongside your framed prints. Simple answer is yes but it depends on every individual’s preference. So, we’ll help you visualise how your display wall will look like with a mix of frames and canvases.


Some people love the idea of having a mat board in their frames as it adds a touch of style to spice things up. If your frames have matboards this is how your wall might end up looking like.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

Others prefer their photos to be displayed fully in the frames, without the use of a mat board. If that’s your preference this is how your wall might end up looking.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

If you have a mix of frames with and without mat boards, you can also display them alongside your canvas photo prints. It would probably look something like this.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com


Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

At Canvasjet, we offer a thinner wooden bar for our smaller sizes, the 20×20 cm and the 20×30 cm. If you want to display your canvas photo prints like in the photo above, you might want to consider the thinner bars for your smaller canvases.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com


Oftentimes, you may have more than one family photo you really want to hang up for display. In that case. pick photos of different family members to print. A good mix or portraits, candid shots, and landscape shots will make a beautiful collage. The overall colour theme should be consistent. A good example is the black and white collage above.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

The normal bars are 3.5 cm in thickness whereas the thinner ones at 2 cm wide.


You can take a step further by opting for panel canvas wall prints if you wish to create a statement with something of genuine artistry and meaning. You can opt for canvas wall prints of the same size or even try it out in different sizes. This type of display would be perfect for scenery and skylines. However, you can also experiment with word prints for a rather unique look.

For our panel canvas wall prints, we recommend image wrap for the canvases or black wrap to ensure that there is a good flow from one panel to the next, without any obvious breakage in the image. Our Canvas Wall Print gives a preview of how the final product will look, which is very useful to ensure the integrity of the final image.


Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

Our smaller sized canvas wall prints, the 20x20cm and the 20x30cm come with a crocodile hook attached. The side with more grooves will be nailed facing down. This will make it easier for you to adjust your canvas wall prints.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

Any size bigger than this will come with a braided wire attached to the back of the canvas wall prints.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

This makes it even easier to adjust your canvas wall prints; especially when they are of bigger sizes.


Worried that you’re displaying them slanted? Not anymore! Just get yourself this small and relatively inexpensive tool – the leveller tool, also known as a bubble level. You can easily find them in any hardware store in your neighbourhood.

Displaying Your Canvas Wall Prints Canvas Printing | CanvasJet.com

After hanging up your canvas wall prints, place the bubble level on the top. If the air bubble is within the black lines, your prints are hanging straight. If not adjust it till the air bubble gets there. You can also use this for your other frames!


Our canvas wall prints can bring any corner of your home to life – be it the kitchen or the office. You can print any types of prints from family pictures to scenery to decorate these spaces to add a touch the empty walls.

And that’s all we’ve got for you today. We hope you’ve found this blogpost useful and are planning to get your very own canvas wall prints! To get started on your collection of canvas prints, don’t forget to check out Canvasjet! We offer quality canvas printing, and you’ll be sure not to be disappointed.

Till the next time, cheers!

Custom Photo Prints Collection