One of the best ways to make your space feel customized, refreshed, and well-designed is by putting art up on the walls. Best of all, there’s no limit to how much you can switch up your wall art, meaning that every time you find yourself getting a little bored of a room, you can make it feel brand new again by rearranging, replacing, and updating the art. A relatively easy and inexpensive way to switch up your decor, we highly recommend looking to your walls the next time you want to refresh your space.
So here are a few tips for ways you can change up your wall decor to fall in love with your space all over again.
Print that photo you’ve been thinking about
Long gone are the days that you couldn’t see the photographs you took until after they were printed. Now, we’re used to being able to immediately see our photos as soon as we take them. On the one hand, this is incredibly instantly gratifying. On the other, something that often ends up happening is that we briefly think, “This would be a nice photo to print,” but never actually get around to doing it. After all, how many of us are making regular trips to the photo printers’ these days?

But using personal photographs for wall art is a great way to personalize your space with the likenesses of you and your loved ones. It can create a sense of home, making you feel welcome and comfortable every time you enter your space. So go ahead and pick out the best pictures of yourself, your family, and your friends, and put them into physical prints for you. Because there is no better living room wall art than the beauty of happy memories in the form of personalized wall art.
Give your walls new meaning with new art
Art does so much more than just decorate your space. In addition to adding beauty, art prints can also fill your rooms with mood and meaning. Depending on the wall pictures you choose, you can give your space a different atmosphere and style. From abstract line art creating a more retro feel to large landscapes bringing in a natural vibe, you can totally switch up the feeling your room creates by choosing new framed art.
So next time you’re considering how to select wall art for your living room, bedroom, or any other room, think about what you want the room to mean and how you want the room to make you and others feel. The answers to these questions can help guide you in choosing artwork for living room walls, bathroom walls, kitchen walls, and so on.

Move the art around in your home, to see it in a new light
You might not realize it, but it’s totally possible that the reason you’re feeling bored with a particular piece of wall art isn’t that the piece itself is boring you, but just that you need to see it in a new context. So before you throw out all of your current living room wall decor and replace it with the latest wall art trends, try recontextualizing your existing photo prints and canvas wall art by hanging them up in another room.
In the conditions of different lighting, different color palettes, different furniture and decor to mix and match with, and different energy to bounce off of, those same living room canvas wall art pieces that you were getting so bored with might turn into the perfect canvas prints for your bedroom, your attic, or another room.
Replace old outdated wall art with art that moves you
That being said, there does come a time that you’ve simply outgrown certain artwork. Maybe you were following some interior design trends when you first picked your artwork but now a few years have passed and those same pieces look outdated. What was once trending wall art has since come to look out of fashion, especially compared to all of the cool 2021 wall art you’re probably seeing online or at friends’ houses.
If that’s the case, it’s no problem to replace your old wall art with something that is a better fit for today. We definitely recommend donating your art instead of just throwing it out so that somebody else might be able to enjoy it. Once you’ve done that, you can focus your efforts on the exciting part: choosing new wall art that excites you and that you’re looking forward to seeing up on your walls every day. With just a few key replacements, you might find yourself wanting to spend much more time in a room you were once avoiding going into.
One print can change everything
It may seem a little overwhelming to think about getting rid of all of your old wall art and replacing it with something new, especially if we’re talking about large wall art for living rooms or custom prints, both of which can get quite pricy. But that’s why we want to remind you that a wall art refresh doesn’t have to be an all-over, head-to-toe makeover. Even just changing out or putting up one new piece can make all the difference.

Whether you experiment with some new wall art trends, invest in a single piece of framed wall art for your living room, or try switching out some smaller pictures for new, large wall art ideas, making one, effective, well-thought-out change can transform a room all on its own.
So take it one thing at a time. Put lots of thought into the decisions you make instead of making changes for the sake of change. Live with something for a little while before you decide to give up on it. And, most importantly, follow your own tastes, instincts, and preferences. Because at the end of the day, your home is yours, and no trend will make you happier than your own personal style.